Pico de Orizaba

Pico de Orizaba
Taken from Huatusco, Veracruz, the closest town to Margarita's family's ranch.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

"I Have Been Raped a Thousand Times"... concerns about social media on Facebook...


I couldn't help myself...  I had to respond... This was my response...:

My original comment to the friend who originally posted it: 

"uhm... I'm reading this and thinking at the same time... that, I've been in that same place with women and even in that same place with my wife of 14 years... (Just in case you haven't read the original publication, I meant that I've been in the same situation described by the female writer, the same position she repeatedly found herself in; concerned about pleasing the other person when her mind said "no")... but I can't call it rape... an over-broadening of the concept/event... 

Think about it... 

come to Mexico or go to Spain or any other Spanish speaking country... Look for the word "rape"... Now if you can't find the word, you can't find the concept... Meaning that you can't express just how horrible is the event or the concept lived... not intellectualized... You can't condemn the act... 

think about it... 

and please don't bury this comment as do so many so-called intellectual activists (and feminists) here on facebook... Look at my postings about Eve and notice that NOBODY responded... read them... read just how horrific they are... and THINK... 

Rape doesn't exist in Mexico; the #1 country in white slavery traffic and "kidnapping"... meaning that the girl, boy or young woman was pulled off the street and stuck in a "box" and shipped... and in the middle of that event, she (or he) was raped repeatedly... and then they are shipped to the U.S. and put on the market... to the rest of the world...  

But in Mexico the only word we can find is "violation"... She was violated... "Fue violada"... Violada? How? In what context... Sexually abused does not reach the level of Rape... Abusada sexualmente... repeatedly... But, maybe she or he was NOT raped... Think about it... I wish Americans didn't have such the tendency towards diluting everything... the opposite of Mexico... Mexico negates... removes the event, the experience, the person... The United States or "Americans"? They make everything equal, confusing the truth and the situations... Everything is equal... Everyone's idea has equal value... And you can fight to the death for your petty idea, burying the less petty ideas because you find them offensive... 

So, rape ceases having true importance... hence, later on it ceases having impact... Because now basically anything can be considered rape... "The dulling down of the 'American' Mind"? "The dumbing down of 'America'"? Have you heard those statements? Greatly related to how a Trump could be the top representative of the so-called most important country in the world... And the "American" intellectuals cry out "how could this be!" 

This is just one example...

And that's that... ended with a "no"... with something she harbours wihin... the first man she trusted, she still had the "no" come out... And instead of mentioning a future with him... she mentions pushing him away... Think about it... Who's truly to blame? Isn't she exaggerating a bit...? Not about not being faithful to herself and not participating in the complete sexual act... but about it all being "no"? 

Look. No one MUST have sex... not even with their own hand... 

Yes, there are sexual drives... built in... and probably connected with the innate need for reproducing the species... and yes, this is a slippery slope used by religion, that traps women into being sexual objects without voice within marriages... it also is used against homosexuals... However, there is some truth in it... 

And there are a bunch of people (many women) who prefer agressive sex... and nothing was spoken... A TON of pressure for men to "perform", to satisfy... since it is more difficult to satisfy the woman than the man... granted, dependent upon the true concept or perspective of satisfaction... Many people don't even know the extent of the concept... nor am I an expert... or a sexual master... always concerned that I'm not enough for her... and worried about her feelings if I haven't thought about having sex with her... How much pressure from the women... 

But, truthfully, although it provokes thought, the main aspect of the piece is garbage... and also very destructive... if we want to continue confusing the matters more and more... 

There are two people in a relationship... no one is a communicative expert, and most people don't understand their own impulses, needs, inhabitions, worries, childhood traumas, upbringing, enculturation... the complexity of it all... Most people don't understand that the mothers also teach the sons and daughters to be sexist... 

But, RAPE is RAPE and shouldn't be confused and devalued or dimminished... 

And here you have it... shared how many times... And how many people will criticize it? How many women? Men don't read feminist literature... When I write about these issues, even my most open-minded male friends stay away... Only women respond... So, someone out there should understand what I'm saying... That said, the feminist circles don't appreciate male voices... And the male in this piece is actually incredibly passive... which brings up the question: is that the only male not possibly threatening is the man who only thinks of her needs...? who is protecting only her feelings...? 

Think about it... Think about the wives who love joking around about their having the first and the last word... My older sister and her husband... And the men who play the horrible game, "the wife is always correct..." 


It's a relationship; we've gotta consider both people's perspectives and needs... Not all men rape (I'm certain it is a great minority of the male population)... or violate or sexually abuse... or are sexual predators or only think about sex... 

But, there is an issue or a reality with the idea of sexual relationships... Why does she seek a sexual relationship with a man if she accuses all of them? "Guilty until proven innocent" and when she meets an innocent guy, she pushes him away... What rules in her relationship is her psychological or mental issue... her compulsive or obsessive need to say "no"... and she doesn't say that she was sexually abused or raped as a child or an adolescent, creating the true issue connected with her obsession... And you can acuse me of being "male" within this criticism... 

Well, let me tell you... I was diagnosed years ago with all of the signs of having been sexually abused as a child... HOWEVER, I don't have the recovered memories and don't believe I will have them... I've studied the subject forwards and backwards... And I can't point my finger at anyone... That doesn't mean that it didn't occur... And, I will also tell you that girls/women are at much more a risk of being sexual prey... and it is a horrible thing... 

But, again, it is a horrible thing that someone writes something like this and it is passed along... 

Oh, you can criticize me for being fascist or against freedom of speech... No, I'm against a certain "American" tendency within activism of dulling down, dumbing down, confusing the concepts or overbroading them... 

The world isn't divided into good and bad... Conservative and Liberal... That isn't the U.S., although many wish to believe that the Trumpers are the bad guys (includes the followers) and all of the rest are the good guys (and then you see the incredible infighting on the anti-Trump side, especially if someone isn't about to repeat the conveniently repeated and socially accepted by everyone)... But, that's what you're looking at... If Trump is impeached... IF... If he is thrown in Jail... Ha! Ha!... if he is assassinated by moderate republicans... the world (U.S.) will have been saved? End of the problem? As if there wasn't a much bigger problem... Like American intellectual laziness... Like lovers of "one-liners", buzz phrases and false news or quick and popular and convenient social media circulated on Facebook... Truthfully, it's all about the "American" culture of immediate gratification... and you quickly move on to the next video, idea, discussion, form of entertainment... miracle cures... easy solutions... "No please, don't make me consider future consequences or the 'bigger picture'!..."

If you have the chance to see this Kevin Kline film "Trade" that mainly takes place in Mexico do so... Most important are the statistics mentioned at the end of the film... mentioning that the trafficking of sex-slaves is first to the U.S. and then to the rest of the world... And that although the U.S. government knows about the trade, the actual organizations, where the children and adolescents are being housed, not one organization has been accused by the federal government, which brings up the question of "why"... Granted, this was 2007... who knows? Maybe values have changed... 

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